Munster High School Home of the Mustangs

Girls Basketball Wins Matchup over Crown Point cover photo (school logo)
Girls Basketball Wins Matchup over Crown Point
Penn Kingsmen Dominate Munster Seahorse in Swimming and Diving Matchup cover photo
Penn Kingsmen Dominate Munster Seahorse in Swimming and Diving Matchup
Basketball (BV) Wins NCC Matchup over Kankakee Valley cover photo
Basketball (BV) Wins NCC Matchup over Kankakee Valley
Girls Basketball Defeats Griffith cover photo (school logo)
Girls Basketball Defeats Griffith
Girls Varsity Basketball Rebounds with a Victory Over Washington Township cover photo (school logo)
Girls Varsity Basketball Rebounds with a Victory Over Washington Township
Seahorses Split Meet Against Chesterton cover photo
Seahorses Split Meet Against Chesterton
The Boys & Girls Seahorses Excel in QUAD DUAL Victory cover photo
The Boys & Girls Seahorses Excel in QUAD DUAL Victory

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