Golf (BV)

Boys Golf Midwest Classic Results

By Zachary Slosser | Apr 22, 2024 9:04 AM

Boys Golf played at one of the premier golf tournaments throughout the state on 4/20/24. Lake Central's Midwest Classic host 18 competitive teams. Our mustangs took 12th place shooting a 335 as Homestead took the Championship shooting a 305. The Medalist From Valparaiso Aiden Gutierrez shot 2 under par (70). Torin Mulcahy was in the mix for the Medalist position shooting a 78. Sam Landemesser shot a 81, Jack Sudac with a 82, Evan Bognar with a 94 and Cole Eplawy with a 98. Next Match: @ Lowell (Minnie Monesse) 4/22/24 . Start Time: 4pm